Create the account information by speaking a text message to Your message should say “simon start my free trial” (every account starts as a free trial… and just so you know… it’s free until it’s not).
NOTE: the person who creates the account is designated the Account Administrator, so if that is not you, consider delegating this job the person who will be the administrator. Administrator must have System Admin privileges in your Salesforce.
Follow [this link] to set up your account recovery protocol : If, as the administrator, you should, by chance, simultaneously change both your email and your phone #, you will need to have set up this protocol. Otherwise, we will not be able to help you with account recovery.
Review the code package here: this is the apex code that will run in your instance of Salesforce and which connects your org to the Speak to Salesforce data service.
Load this code into a Salesforce Dev org or into your Production Org sandbox. It is recommended, but not mandatory, that you should test-drive Speak to Salesforce in one of these environments.
When you have installed this code package into your dev org or your sandbox, update the apex class file bspk_voiceAssistantStatics by replacing the default value for bspk_key. Select an random 16-digit number for this key. This is the encryption key that ensures that traffic between the beSpokn service and your production org remains private.
When you are satisfied that you want to try Speak to Salesforce and go Live, create a change set to move the code package from your Production Org’s sandbox, and then move it!
Once the code package is installed in your Production Org, create a new Email Service that references the Apex Code named bspk_VoiceAssistant.
Go (here) and re-enter you encryption key and enter the email address associated with the Emai Service that you created in step 7.
Add users here (link). Just so you know, beSpokn automatically grabs the user’s timezone so that their calendar events are viewable correctly in the user’s timezone. If you enabled user updates in step 5, you do not need to enter anything except the mobile phone number “of record” for the user. BeSpokn will grab the rest of the information that it needs. You must, however, set the user to “active”.